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  1. Elefantino.82

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    Our Mission
    Intact America works to end involuntary circumcision in America, and to ensure a healthy sexual future for people of all ages.

    Intact America fulfills its mission by challenging social and sexual norms and by advocating for the health and wellbeing of all children and the adults they will become.

    We do this through creative messaging, advocacy, education, public policy reform, and the empowerment of our supporters, partners and volunteers. You can read our Statement of Principles.

    Our Vision
    Intact America envisions a world where children are free from medically unnecessary surgeries carried out on them without their consent in the name of culture, religion, profit, or parental preference.

    Our Values

    We are HONEST
    We are STRATEGIC

    The History of Intact America

    Intact America, founded in 2008 thanks to funding from a private donor, is the most recent expression of a movement against infant circumcision that has been active and expanding for decades. Intact America counts among its advisors many long-term Intactivists, as well as many new people who have embraced Intact America’s commitment to protect all babies and children–male and female–from the forced modification of their genitalia.

    Intact America operates under the auspices of the Hudson Center for Health Equity & Quality, a not-for-profit organization that is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code. Georganne Chapin, a leader in the fight for ethical, cost-effective and high quality health care, is Intact America’s founding executive director. Ms. Chapin holds a BA in anthropology from Barnard College, an MPhil in sociomedical sciences from Columbia University, and a JD from Pace University School of Law. Her "Circumcision Debate" article, published in Hudson Valley Parent magazine, highlights her dedication to the intactivist cause. Read more about Georganne here.

    Intactivists of the Month
    One of Intact America's greatest strengths is the diverse and supportive intactivist community. Our Intactivist of the Month series highlights some of the most ardent opponents of infant and childhood circumcision, whose tireless efforts will ensure a future where all babies are kept intact.

    Intact America Boards
    The following boards have been formed to help promote awareness of children’s rights and help Intact America increase financial and public support for our programs and policies. These boards do not participate in the general management of the organization.

    I. Steering Committee
    Much of what Intact America has accomplished over the last year and a half is due to the time, energy, and ideas so generously provided by long-time intactivists, volunteers, and supporters, people who have been in favor of ending infant circumcision for decades. Our Steering Committee is currently comprised of several such intactivists, including:

    Daniel H. Bollinger, BA [Director, International Coalition for Genital Integrity (ICGI)]
    Amber Craig [Director, NOCIRC of NC]
    John D. Geisheker, JD, LLM [Executive Director and General Counsel, Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC)]
    Gregory J. Hartley [Director, NOCIRC of PA]
    Marilyn Milos, RN [Founder & Executive Director, National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC)]
    Mark Reiss, MD [Vice President, DOC]
    David Smith [Director, NORM- UK]
    J. Steven Svoboda, Esq. [Founder and Executive Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC)]

    II. Board of Advocates
    Intact America's Board of Advocates consists of outspoken advocates and leaders in the arts, media, and entertainment communities who are willing to come forward and stand up for baby boys' rights to bodily integrity. The following individuals currently serve on our Board of Advocates:

    Adrian Colesberry
    Alan Cumming
    Anna Getty
    Bill Irwin
    Paul Joannides
    Soraya Miré
    Peggy O'Mara
    Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon

    III. Board of Health Professionals
    The Intact America Board of Health Professionals includes physicians, nurses, childbirth professionals, mental health experts, and others in the medical or health field who support Intact America’s principles and agenda. Members of this board may be involved in work that has nothing to do with circumcision, or just a small facet of their professional interests. From having personal conversations with patients on the issue to publishing articles in internationally renowned medical journals, members of the Board of Health Professionals contribute to the cause on a variety of different levels.

    Kenneth J. Baker, MD, FACOG
    Paula Brinkley, MD, MPH, FAAP
    Adrienne J. K. Carmack, MD
    George C. Denniston, MD, MPH
    Larry Dossey, MD
    Sumathi Kasinathan, MD
    Gloria LeMay [Contributing Editor, Midwifery Today]
    Margaret (Peggy) Leonard, MS, RN-BC, FNP
    Gillian Longley RN, BSN, MSS
    Christiane Northrup, MD
    Brian O'Donnell, MHS PA-C
    James Pate, MD
    Mark Reiss, MD
    Martha Roth, CNM
    Lauren Shaiova, MD
    Michelle R. Storms, MD
    Sarah E. Strandjord, MD, FAAP
    John W. Travis, MD, MPH

    IV. Board of Scholars
    The Intact America Board of Scholars includes bioethicists, philosophers, educators, academicians, and authors who support Intact America’s principles and agenda. Members of this board have invested themselves in the issues and philosophies supported by Intact America in a way that ties them into the thought leadership on ending infant circumcision. They may speak out publicly, give lectures, write books, or advocate through academic writing and research.

    Katherine Buechner-Arthaud, MDiv
    David Cassuto PhD, JD
    James Dwyer, PhD, JD
    Linda Fentiman, JD, LLM
    Leonard Glick, MD, PhD
    Alexandro José Gradilla, PhD
    Hanny Lightfoot-Klein, MA
    Reverend Manish K. Mishra-Marzetti
    Margaret A. Plumbo RN, MS, CNM
    J. Steven Svoboda, Esq.
    Reverend Nathan C. Walker, Minister

  2. Yugo

    User deleted

    bel sito, mi ci sono iscritto, l'ho uppato su twitter e messo "mipiace" su fb :24edq1s.gif:
  3. moni_luna62

    User deleted

    Grazie elefantino per l'articolo sugli amici e amiche di Intact America, una grande organizzazione a livello mondiale di lotta contro le mutilazioni genitali infantili, ho avuto l'onore e il piacere di conoscerne alcuni tramite Skype e via email. Consiglio a tutti di visitarne il sito o la pagina di Facebook per informarsi meglio sulla circoncisione maschile o sulle Fgm. :2hwk9xl.jpg:
  4. yemy

    User deleted

    Ho visitato il loro sito internet, davvero ben fatto e la pagina su Facebook, ho anche cliccato sul link per aderire a una campagna di raccolta fondi anti-circoncisione. ;)
3 replies since 10/1/2016, 00:39   204 views