Intatto o circonciso

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  1. Elefantino.82

    User deleted

    In Risposta alla domanda di Nicholas su Facebook:

    Intact or Circumcised: A Significant Difference in the Adult Penis


    The images below are graphic in nature for the purpose of education. They may not be suitable for viewing in the workplace.

    The penis and clitoris are analogous and homologous organs: they perform similar functions, share a common design, and biologically develop from the same tissues inutero. The glans (head) of the penis or clitoris is an internal organ. It is meant to remain covered for the majority of its livelihood, in similar nature to the way that the eyeballs are covered for a good portion of our lives (when we blink or sleep), and the way the ends of our fingers and toes are protected by our nails.

    If we surgically amputate the eyelids or fingernails, we will face the repercussions of making an organ that was designed to be internal, external. In order to survive this damage, the organ must adapt. To do so, a variety of features will change (both immediately, and progressively over the years): pH will be altered, temperature will no longer remain stable in that organ, moisture and lubrication levels will not be maintained, leading to dryness and potential chapping, antibodies and healthy microflora that previously served to protect will cease to exist, and callusing (the build-up of multiple hardened layers of skin) will take place. Our body may attempt to heal itself by forming skin bridges or re-adhesions over the amputation site. Our eyeballs and fingertips would become thick, dry, discolored, and no longer function in the manner they were designed to.

    So it is the same with the glans of the penis or clitoris. If we remove the very organ, the prepuce, which serves to cover, protect and regulate the health, pH, temperature, lubrication, antibodies, movement and functioning of the genitals, we've altered form so dramatically that the purposes it was created to fulfill can no longer be realized.

    Not only is this evident in research: human development and sexuality especially, but the dramatic difference is also readily apparent to any lay onlooker observing the intact human genitals versus those that no longer remain in their original whole state.

    Female and male genital cutting, especially in the manner that prepuce amputation is carried out in U.S. style male circumcision surgery (most often via Gomco or Plastibell amputations), is not only immediately damaging to a newborn baby; it is also permanently altering and forever changing the adult male body, and impacts all future sexual partner(s) as well.

    Below: Adult men in their normal intact state (right) and others who had their prepuce amputated via infant circumcision (left) forcing the glans to adapt as an external organ: something it was never meant to be.

    Today, approximately 250,000 men who were circumcised at birth are restoring some of what was lost. If you are one of these men, you are not alone. Find resources and discuss the topic with other men via articles, sites, organizations and options for foreskin restoration here.


  2. Pichu.z

    User deleted

    una gran bella differenza.. nn trovate amici?? nn so perchè ma un pene circonciso mi sa di strano.. è cosi innaturale.. pare quello di un vecchio con qualche malattia.. .. Oo

    belli i video.. :3dcrash3ep2.gif:
  3. yemy

    User deleted

    Si deve essere proprio scemi per ridursi cosi; poi ci si meraviglia del perchè il maschio latino è osannato dalle donne in ogni dove nel mondo. :P
  4. Arianna.32

    User deleted

    Intatto senza ombra di dubbio. :mutley.gif:
  5. moni_luna62

    User deleted

    Da donna cresciuta, per fortuna, in una società in cui di circoncisione sino a qualche anno fa neppure si parlava, non mi sentirei molto a mio agio nell'aver un rapporto sessuale o a frequentare un uomo circonciso, specie se circonciso da adulto, in quanto ne sono maggiormente più visibili le cicatrici.
  6. Intact-Italia

    User deleted

    Non ci stupisca del confronto, un pene circonciso non è più protetto, idratato, lubrificato, ha un aspetto meno naturale, va incontro a un processo di decheratinizzazione che ne altera il colore del glande, ne riduce il piacere e le sensazioni durante il sesso, ne aumenta l'incidenza di microlesioni, infiammazioni, irritazioni della sua superficie.
5 replies since 15/8/2012, 22:53   1756 views